James Mattis USMC General Retired and Former USA SecDef Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
From $27.99
James Mattis USMC General Retired and Former USA SecDef Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
From $14.99
James Mattis, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Regular price $14.99 Sale price $11.25
James Monroe, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
James Monroe, 5th US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
James Monroe, 5th US President, Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Jane Austen Famous English Novelist Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Jane Austen, Famous English Novelist, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
JD Salinger Famous American Writer Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
JD Salinger, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
JD Salinger, Famous American Writer, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Jean Baudrillard French Sociologist and Philosopher Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Jean Baudrillard French Sociologist and Philosopher Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Enlightenment Philosopher Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Enlightenment Philosopher Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Jesus with Sacred Heart Original Sculpture
Regular price $34.25
Jimmy Carter, 39th US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Jimmy Carter, 39th US President, Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Joe Biden, 46th US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth