William Peter Blatty American Author Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
From $14.99
William Peter Blatty, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Regular price $14.99 Sale price $11.25
William Peter Blatty, American Author, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
From $27.99
William Shakespeare English Poet Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
William Shakespeare, English Poet, Playwright, and Actor, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike of Samothrace) Replica
Regular price $41.99
Winston Churchill British Statesman, Army Officer, Writer, and Prime Minister Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Winston Churchill British Statesman, Army Officer, Writer, and Prime Minister Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Winston Churchill, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Woodrow Wilson, 28th US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Woodrow Wilson, 28th US President, Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Woodrow Wilson, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Zachary Taylor, 12th US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Zachary Taylor, 12th US President, Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Zachary Taylor, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Zeno of Citium Greek Stoic Philosopher Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Zeno of Citium Greek Stoic Philosopher Sculpture Bust on Pedestal