Galileo Galilei Italian Polymath, Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
From $27.99
Galileo Galilei Italian Polymath, Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
From $14.99
Galileo Galilei, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Regular price $14.99 Sale price $11.25
Gayer Anderson Cat Egyptian Deity Bastet Replica
From $25.75
Geoffrey Chaucer English Poet Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Geoffrey Chaucer, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Geoffrey Chaucer, Famous English Poet, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Georg Ohm Famous German Physicist and Mathematician Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Georg Ohm Famous German Physicist and Mathematician Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Georg Ohm, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Georg Ohm, 7-inch Bust on Box Plinth, Bronze/White Marble
Regular price $27.99 Sale price $20.99
George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron) English Poet Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron), 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron), English Poet, Politician, and Revolutionary, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
George HW Bush, 41st US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
George HW Bush, 41st US President, Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
George HW Bush, 7-inch Bust on Box Plinth, Bronze/White Marble
George Orwell English Novelist Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
George Orwell, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
George Orwell, Famous English Novelist, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth