Harriet Tubman, American Abolitionist and Political Activist, Premium Sculpture Bust
From $119.99
Harry Truman, 33rd US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
From $27.99
Harry Truman, 33rd US President, Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
From $14.99
Harry Truman, 7-inch Bust on Box Plinth, Bronze/White Marble
Regular price $27.99 Sale price $20.99
Henry Ford Famous American Industrialist and Business Magnate Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Henry Ford Famous American Industrialist and Business Magnate Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Herbert Hoover, 31st US President, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Herbert Hoover, 31st US President, Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Herbert Hoover, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Regular price $14.99 Sale price $11.25
Herbert Hoover, 7-inch Bust on Box Plinth, Bronze/White Marble
Herman Melville American Writer Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Herman Melville, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
Herman Melville, Famous American Writer and Poet, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Hermes Fastening His Sandal Replica
Regular price $34.25
HG Wells English Writer Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
HG Wells, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray
HG Wells, Famous English Writer, Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Hippocrates of Kos Greek Physician Father of Medicine Sculpture Bust on Box Plinth
Hippocrates of Kos Greek Physician Sculpture Bust on Pedestal
Hippocrates, 5-inch Bust on Pedestal, Gray